First, thanks for all the great comments on yesterday's post!
Before going any further, I would like to mention that I wrote that letter right in the middle of an existential crisis. I do them at times haha. You can tell how existential it was by the number of tags I put on it. It covered a lot of aspects in my life , so no wonder it felt very intense.
Once again, writing stuff down helps me deal with some of my issues. And of course I'm just very happy from the feedback I received.
And thanks to remind me that I put too much pressure on myself and to remind me that I'm a great guy heheheh... But I did remember that guys who only seek sex are not what I want, maybe that was a bit misunderstood but anyways ;)
The crisis has ended yesterday around noon. I'll explain how hopefully soon!!
This blog is addressed to everyone: gays, bisexuals, straight who know some gays or bisexuals and to people who are simply curious about it. This blog is about my gay experience, but if you want some more insights, you can take a look at my blog list. They're made by gays and bisexuals of all natures. Some of them have helped me understand what it is to be gay and to accept myself before creating this blog. The others have been added afterwards, because I keep finding great blogs!
Lol! I feel like I just got half a story, JF! What ended your crisis? Hurry up and post! :D *hugs*