Thursday, September 13, 2012

Melting pot

Sexy gray-panted guy's butt on the brain

One of the first things I saw at work this morning was that sweet butt (in his pants).  I couldn't take that image off my brain and I knew I would be horny all day long.

Not already?

I've just finished my bottle of wine.... need to go back to the liquor store.

What are you trying to do??

Yesterday I was reading a few blogs and I stumbled on one of a gay guy who had been married to a woman.  For many years he has tried to be a man he was not.  It seemed like hell.  That got me thinking...  For a gay man who doesn't accept himself yet, I think there are 2 strategies.  You either try to be someone you're not or you try to erase who you are.  That guy tried the first one.  I tried the latter.  I think the first choice is much harder emotionnally and I would never have been able to do it.  The second one seems easier to me (I guess that's why I chose it), but it has the disadvantage of being very boring....

You're hotter than ever

There's actually a lot of guy I find very sexy at work.  One of them is the stereotypical muscled asshole!  Sexy but stupid!  Anyways, today on lunchtime, it was the first time that I saw him with jeans on (he usually wears sweatpants).  Those jeans plus the white "wife beater" made him so sexy...  it was hard taking my eyes off of him.  What a day!

1 girl 5 gays

I've been watching a few episodes on youtube and I think its a fun program to watch.  What the guys have to say is always interesting and I can't keep my eyes off David.  Everything about this guy is so sexy!!  However, I wonder why all but one of the about 12 guys on the show I've seen are feminine (to various degrees).  I have nothing against feminine gay guys, but are they really 95% of the gay population?? 

The New Normal

I've watched the first 2 episodes and I think I'll watch more.

She's playing for her team

True dialogue today at work:
Girl:  This girl surely plays for her team, what do you think?
Me: How do I know??

I've never cared to know if someone was gay or lesbian.  Some people seem obsessed with it.  I think I should begin to care a bit more now about who's gay ;)

LGBT center group

My local LGBT center usually has meetings a few times a month.  However, the activities were off during the summer and it seems like activities will start again only at the end of September.  I wish to go at these meetings for the first time.

Gay best friend

Another true dialogue with the same girl.
Girl: You dress well, do you like to go shopping??
Me: No, I don't like it.  When I shop it's because I know what I want.
Girl: It would be fun if we went shopping together. I could help you find some new clothes.
Me: What? I thought you said I dress well ;)
Girl:  You do, but it would be fun.....  Hhhhhhmmm  I would like to have a gay best friend. We would always go shopping.

Haha!!!  My friend Jack was present when this dialogue happened and he told me afterwards that he was very uncomfortable since he knew I was gay.  I was actually very comfortable... probably the result of years of hiding who I am.  However I do think that it was a really funny moment.  When I'll tell this girl that I'm gay, I think it will be something like that: "OK, what I'm going to tell you doesn't mean that I'm your gay best friend, but I'm gay!"


  1. I like this grouping of thoughts about different things all the in same place. Guys can be so distracting, yes!

    Keep walking your story out. It seems you are getting places, not only with yourself, but with others around you as well. Have a great day!


    1. Yes it's a nice writing change of pace. Instead of getting all out of a certain topic, I concentrate on the essential. It's fun to do sometimes... well mostly when I actually don't have a lot to say about it!!

  2. However, I wonder why all but one of the about 12 guys on the show I've seen are feminine (to various degrees). I have nothing against feminine gay guys, but are they really 95% of the gay population??

    It's a common stereotype. Plus, I theorize that a lot of heterosexual men (who probably still have some influence on the show) still find (traditionally) effeminate gay men less threatening than (traditionally) masculine gay men. For them, it still creates a sense of "difference" between themselves and gay men.

    I think I should begin to care a bit more now about who's gay ;)

    There are some advantages to knowing, yes. Namely, it lets you know who you at least have a chance with.

    Girl: You do, but it would be fun..... Hhhhhhmmm I would like to have a gay best friend. We would always go shopping.

    First, I'm guessing she already suspects you're gay and this is her way of giving you a chance to come out to you. Secondly, yuck! In my opinion, her comment reeks of a certain kind of tokenism.

    1. About the show: I think you're right. But also I suspect that effeminate gays are seen as more "marketable" or even "believable" in most peoples eyes.

      About knowing who's gay: Indeed! That's the reason I wrote this line ;)

      About the girl: I don't know... she's really obsessed with gays and she's actually the girl who made me schedule a date with a girl from work. Anyways.... Hmm now I'll have to go see what tokenism means :)

  3. Haha! I agree, shopping is torture and I'm a girl! *gasp*
